
Author: Amy O'Neil, MD http://youtu.be/_7MiooQ32sE

By Daniel Cabrera • January 29, 2015

Author: Tim Bongartz, MD. Scenario: A 54 year old male is presenting to the ED with severe right foot and ankle pain and swelling. The[...]

By Daniel Cabrera • January 23, 2015

Author: Erin K. Salo, R.N.   When I signed up for Emergency Department nursing, I was fairly sure of what I was getting into. I[...]

By Daniel Cabrera • January 18, 2015

Author: David S. Morris, M.D. Small bowel obstruction (SBO) is a very common problem for patients; treated by many different types of medical providers, including[...]

By Daniel Cabrera • January 4, 2015

Authors: Insara J. Jaffer Sathick, MBBS and Gauri Bhutani, MBBS. Reviewer: Kianoush Kashani, MD. Department of Medicine, Division of Nephrology and Hypertension, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN  [...]

By Daniel Cabrera • December 18, 2014

Author: Kimberly Holst, M.D. Reviewer: David Morris, M.D.

By Daniel Cabrera • December 14, 2014

Author: Joseph Kennedy (@JoeKennedyEM) A 41 year old woman presents to your ED not long after injuring her right index finger while feeding a garden[...]

By Daniel Cabrera • December 7, 2014

Image adapted from Greg Friese (flickr) under Creative Commons License Adapted from: Ronna L. Campbell M.D. and the Joint Task Force on Practice Parameters, representing[...]

By Daniel Cabrera • December 6, 2014

Author: Dustin Leigh, M.D. (@DLeigh0029)     How an Understanding of Serotonin Syndrome will ensure you stay true to the Hippocratic Oath Recognition, the core[...]

By Daniel Cabrera • December 2, 2014

By Daniel Cabrera • November 29, 2014