
Author: Daniel Scholz, M.D. This is a Mayo Clinic Emergency Medicine Residency Interesting Case Presentation using the Pecha Kucha format http://youtu.be/OCHm4aZuroQ?list=UU8HKQ2hE8yml5Gfz2Ct3tYw Reviewers: Kharmene Sunga, M.D, Fernanda Bellolio, M.D.[...]

By Daniel Cabrera • September 23, 2014

Jeff Kline, from Indiana University, is the world's foremost expert in Pulmonary Embolism, particularly from an Emergency Medicine perspective. He has been quite active in #FOAMed[...]

By Daniel Cabrera • September 21, 2014

By Daniel Cabrera • September 19, 2014

Author: Sara E. Hocker, M.D. Assistant Professor of Neurology   When you are on the front lines and require neurologic consultation for acute neurologic injury[...]

By Daniel Cabrera • September 19, 2014

Author: David S. Morris, M.D. Assistant Professor of Surgery A patient comes into the emergency department with right upper quadrant abdominal pain.  You have seen the[...]

By Daniel Cabrera • September 18, 2014

By Daniel Cabrera • September 16, 2014

Author: Gabrielle J. Melin, M.D. Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine   The skill of assessing for suicide is one that all Physicians should possess. This[...]

By Daniel Cabrera • September 7, 2014

  Picture by https://lamodern.wordpress.com/tag/dieter-rams/ Dieter Rams is one of the most important designers of the XX century. His main contribution to the field of design was the[...]

By Daniel Cabrera • August 20, 2014

Chikungunya (Emerging infections series #2) By Casey M. Clements M.D., Ph.D. (@CaseyClmnts) and Donald F. Zimmer M.D.   Photo: Luz Sosa, PAHO/WHO – used according[...]

By Casey Clements • August 19, 2014

Author: Henrique A. Puls / @HAPuls Reviewed by: M. Fernanda Bellolio, M.D.   There are two major reasons to stop a trial earlier than planned[...]

By Daniel Cabrera • August 12, 2014