
Author: Stephanie Polites, M.D. General Surgery Resident. Mayo Clinic.   Acute appendicitis is the most common surgical emergency in children and accounts for many emergency room[...]

By Daniel Cabrera • August 12, 2014

Interview with the one, only and extraordinaire Donald Jenkins, M.D. http://youtu.be/r7ASZgOBlG0

By Daniel Cabrera • August 9, 2014

Author: Jessica Schwarz, M.D. This is a Mayo Clinic Emergency Medicine Residency Interesting Case Presentation using the Pecha Kucha format http://youtu.be/9ArfbGTp9zk Reviewers: Cameron Wansgard, M.D & Daniel Cabrera, M.D

By Daniel Cabrera • August 4, 2014

Video by Franco Utili, MD and Margarita Jullian, MD Medicina de Urgencia UC / @UrgenciaUC http://youtu.be/2cV41r9VxaI Reference Hock MO, Ooi SB, Saw SM, Lim SH.[...]

By Daniel Cabrera • August 4, 2014

Author: Theresa Tran, M.D. This is a Mayo Clinic Emergency Medicine Residency Interesting Case Presentation using the Pecha Kucha format http://youtu.be/Bn-bomiyD8I Reviewers: Cameron Wansgard, M.D & Daniel Cabrera,[...]

By Daniel Cabrera • July 29, 2014

In recent years we have witnessed a huge increase in the interest and activity around the areas of clinical decision making and cognitive aspects of[...]

By Daniel Cabrera • July 26, 2014

UPDATE: John Maeda posted these laws on the Laws of Simplicity website. Here how John Maeda's (@johnmaeda) Laws of Simplicity apply to Emergency Medicine: Reduce. The easiest way[...]

By Daniel Cabrera • July 26, 2014

Video by University of Ottawa Emergency Medicine / @emergmedottawa https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrxuZwFpigI&feature=youtu.be

By Daniel Cabrera • July 21, 2014

5 Simple Steps in the Ankle Block   A 33 year-old (60-kg) male is brought into your emergency department by EMS and appears to be[...]

By Damian Baalmann, M.D. • July 14, 2014

Digitalis Toxicity Damian Baalmann, 2nd year EM resident A 67 year-old female (90-kg) is brought into your emergency department because of increasing confusion. As the[...]

By Damian Baalmann, M.D. • July 7, 2014