WEDNESDAY MAY 17 1:00- 2:30 PM Oral Presentation Patients with a history of Heart Failure receive less fluid during sepsis resuscitation Ine Oppedal, Bo[...]

Author: Venk Bellamkonda (@VenkBellamkonda) Easa Shamih | flickr | no modification | CC BY 2.0 Healthcare quality is a hot topic these days and[...]

Author: Venk Bellamkonda (@VenkBellamkonda) In our publication in Annals of Emergency Medicine, Pilot Study of Kano “Attractive Quality” Techniques to Identify Change in Emergency[...]

What patients admitted from the Emergency Department to a general floor/ward will deteriorate? Author Shawna Bellew, MD (@SBellzMD) “That patient is going to trigger[...]

Author: Fernanda Bellolio, MD (@mfbellolio) Shared decision-making (SDM), a collaborative process in which patients and providers make healthcare decisions together, taking into account[...]

Author: M. Fernanda Bellolio, MD (@mfbellolio) Last night a 68-year old male presented to the Emergency Department with chest pain. His pain lasted 45 minutes[...]

Author: Laura Walker, MD (@dortzus) This is a commentary on Walker et al. Gender Distribution Among American Board of Medical Specialties Boards of Directors. Mayo[...]

Author: Dante LS Souza What is Peritonsillar Abscess? Peritonsillar abscess (PTA) is a collection of pus between the capsule of the palatine tonsil and the[...]

Author: Heather Heaton, MD Editor's Note. The Following post is authored by Heather Heaton, an attending at Mayo Clinic Department of Emergency Medicine. For most[...]
Author: Amy O'Neil, MD A commentary on Behavioral Health Boarding in Community Emergency Departments by O'Neil et al. (open access) The challenges of caring for[...]

Author: Abhi Bikkani on behalf of the Mayo Education Innovation Lab Click here for the OnPar app A new online game from Mayo Clinic's Education Innovation[...]