Author: Lucas Oliveira J. e Silva (@lucasojesilva12) Lidocaine is a local anesthetic agent of the amide type that has been described as containing analgesic[...]
Thomas R. Hellmich, M.D. has been named the new chair of the Department of Emergency Medicine at Mayo Clinic Rochester. Dr. Hellmich follows Annie[...]

Author: Lucas Oliveira J. e Silva (@lucasojesilva12) Few years ago when consenting patients for procedural sedation in the Emergency Department (ED), we realized that the[...]

This is crosspost from the Mayo Clinic Social Media network. Below a video with our webinar on Social Media and Academic Promotion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1uimiEhix8

Sunday, October 29 3-3:50 p.m. 133 (Infomatics) Measuring Radio-Frequency Identification Sensitivity and Precision in the Emergency Department: A Method for Clinically Relevant Assessment of[...]

Author: Molly M. Jeffery, PhD @mollyjeffery Everyone “knows” they hand out opioids like candy in the ED. Or if they don’t now, they certainly used[...]

Author: Caitlin Loprinzi-Brauer, MD @cloprinzi To determine who should have goals of care discussions, encourage advanced care planning and consider palliative medicine consultation Cardiopulmonary[...]

Author: Lucas Silva (@lucasojesilva12) In the last few years, the use of apneic oxygenation has been recommended by experts for management of high-risk[...]

Author: Lucas Silva (@lucasojesilva12) Rider in photo: Elisa M. Smith, MD (EM Resident at Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN) An 18 year-old freshman of the[...]

This is a video recorded during Mayo Clinic Emergency Grand Rounds presented by Felix Ankel, MD (@felixankel) and Daniel Cabrera, MD (@CabreraERDR) on April 25th[...]
Author: Eric Funk, MD (@efunkEM) ECMO Rounds: Crash Course Your patient just got cannulated and started on ECMO. Congratulations! Now what? The initial steps of[...]

Author: Jonathan Thornston, M.D. A 3-year old boy is transferred from an outside facility for ENT consult after failed removal of a foreign body in[...]