Note: "Septic arthritis" in this post and discussion refers to non-gonococcal septic arthritis. What's the big deal with septic arthritis? It's not really an emergency[...]
Author: Jessica Stanich, M.D. This is a Mayo Clinic Emergency Medicine Residency Interesting Case Presentation using the Pecha Kucha format Reviewers: Kharmene Sunga, M.D, Fernanda Bellolio, M.D.[...]
A brief introduction to Twitter on healthcare by Farris Timimi, M.D. (@FarrisTimimi)
Efficient time management is one of the key skills to survive and thrive in modern world. Most of us need to juggle the needs[...]
Author: Michael A. Schwarz, Pharm.D., R.Ph. Tranexamic Acid (TXA) Tranexamic Acid (TXA) is a competitive inhibitor of plasminogen activation to plasmin and a noncompetitive[...]
Author: Katie Greger, M.D. This is a Mayo Clinic Emergency Medicine Residency Interesting Case Presentation using the Pecha Kucha format Reviewers: Kharmene Sunga, M.D, Fernanda Bellolio, M.D.[...]
2014 Marriott-Carlson Leadership Award Recipient Acceptance speech by Daniel G. Hankins, M.D. Thanks to Bill Hinckley (@UCAirCareDoc)
Author: Gabriel Golfus, Pharm.D. This is a Mayo Clinic Emergency Medicine Residency Pharmacotherapy Lecture Reviewers: Maria I. Rudis, Pharm.D., R.Ph.
Author: Daniel Scholz, M.D. This is a Mayo Clinic Emergency Medicine Residency Interesting Case Presentation using the Pecha Kucha format Reviewers: Kharmene Sunga, M.D, Fernanda Bellolio, M.D.[...]
Jeff Kline, from Indiana University, is the world's foremost expert in Pulmonary Embolism, particularly from an Emergency Medicine perspective. He has been quite active in #FOAMed[...]