Bottom-line for clinicians and administrative stakeholders: This systematic review highlights potential interventions that could be used to improve geriatric patient experience in the ED. Effective interventions were department-wide interventions aimed to provide comprehensive geriatric-friendly acute care. Bottom-line for researchers: This review highlights the need for validation of patient experience questionnaires as well as the need for providing detailed descriptions of intervention strategies, with special attention to intervention fidelity.

Author: Isabella Lichen Comment on Lichen et al. Non-pharmacologic interventions improve comfort and experience among older adults in the Emergency Department. The American Journal of[...]
Author: Mark Mannenbach, MD @MMannenbach My memory of the small boy with dark eyes and curly hair comes back quickly as the medical students I[...]
Wednesday May 15, 2019 TOP 100 abstract: 17 Pediatric Opioid Use in the Emergency Department: A 10-Year National Trend StudyLarissa Shiue, Sheagleigh Funni, Jonathan Inselman,[...]

TEDx by Neha Raukar @Raukar_Neha
Sunday Sep 30 All day ACEP Council Meeting Venk Bellamkonda, Heather Heaton and David Nestler Monday Oct 1 10:00-12:00 QI, operations[...]
Authors: Erik Hess, MD (UAB) Comment on: Hess, Homme et al. Effect of the Head Computed Tomography Choice Decision Aid in Parents of Children With Minor[...]
Author: Molly Jeffery PhD @mollyjeffery Commentary about: Jeffery at al. Trends in opioid use in commercially insured and Medicare Advantage populations in 2007-16: retrospective cohort study.[...]

Author: Eric Funk, MD @efunkem This is commentary of Funk et al. Blockchain Technology: A Data Framework to Improve Validity, Trust, and Accountability of Information[...]

Author: Mark Mannenbach, MD. @MMannenbach Commentary on: Mannenbach et al. An In Situ Simulation-Based Training Approach to Active Shooter Response in the Emergency Department. in Disaster Medicine and Public[...]
Author: Laura Walker, M.D. @dortzus This post is a comment on Walker et al. Clinical care review systems in healthcare: a systematic review. Int J Emerg[...]